Thursday, September 12, 2013

Team Names: A Brave New World

So now that Rod as given up partial duties to this blog, that means he won't spend 4-8 hours a week updating this at work.  Consequently that means Rod's company's stock will stop tanking and might find itself in the black again.  So with that bit of insider trading intel, go ahead, get on E*Trade and make yourself $4? maybe even $5 on that sweet turd of a tip.

I have taken on what has been a fixture to our league for the past 3-4 years.  I will do my best to come up with unique ideas and themes, but can't shit out a golden dove every week so your help is always appreciated.  That being said, if you don't like what you me or comment on this with ideas.  I will be concocting a mix of BOTT themes, U of M themes and random themes from popular culture both local and national.  I have reached out to BOTT alumni to get ahold of some BOTT meeting agendas to help us with our BOTT related topics to help jog our memories for those of you who smoked too much pot and left college with a box full of clothes, a bunch of worthless formal favors and patchy memories of shouting the rouser and playing grab ass with guys whose name you don't remember.

To make this worth something, we've kicked around the idea of a small monetary benefit for winners or possibly another positive aspect that might help your team along the way.  I would be up for the following prizes for those who are the weekly winners:
- 1-3 point bonus on the manager's game that week -- commish can do this from his controls
- One playoff seating reseat for the manager with the most team name 1st place wins
- More (ie $5) FAAB dollars for the winner which can help considerably at the end of the season
- Come up with an idea yourself you lazy dick

My vote is the weekly point bonus since this can turn a tide in a head to head match up and inch someone ahead in the season point total to make this actually worth something.

I don't know how to do the voting part like Rod did last year, but if he'll show me I can put that up again with a comment section for making fun of others that suck or are fucking linguistic wizards.Voting is the same as always, send a worst, a best and an explanation of why.  Pictures to fit the name will always put someone over the top.

Since the eve of the Thursday night game is soon upon us we'll go easy on a deadline but try to have a name up by Sunday.

To keep with some of the past themes that we see annually but still have multiple new team name left I'll start with "BOTT Possessive Nouns".  Past entries have included: Crabs' Nose Breathing, Bulger's Pink Thing, Lunas's Finances, John's Locked Door, etc.

So here we go one is off the table, no topic is too dirty or inappropriate.  Let's start this year off right with some absolutely hilarious and unique names.  I won't enter my team name in the blog as Rod has done in the past and save it for the FF site.

Have a terrible and pointless Thursday,


  1. Lets be sure that were posting using our accurate 'names', boys...including anyone being referenced. It takes some getting used to, but ultimately it's for the best of us all.

  2. Also, I'm an official NO vote to altering any point totals, playoff spots, or funds that have already been collected for the league based on team names. Furthermore, the league year has already begun and we aren't adjusting anything for this year as far as single game or playoff spots.

    I'd much rather have the winnings/punishments be things outside of anything that alters league results/money. Example: worse team name each week has to buy the best team name a beer at MNF. If he isn't there to buy it, he owes him a BJ next time he sees him.

  3. Re: that photo... Was Juan going sailing after meeting?

    1. And where in the hell did I get a shiny metallic tie? I probably still have that in my closet somewhere. And that gives me an idea. Worst team name must dress at MNF as close to they can to what they were wearing in this picture. Done.
